Monday, September 13, 2010

How To: Connect Multiple Computers From A Single Internet Connection

lan How To: Connect Multiple Computers From A Single Internet Connection
Many a times it happens so that we have more than onecomputer or laptop, in our home, however it is not in the benefit of the user to take multiple internet connection for each of the computer. So we would require to share the sameinternet connection with n no of computers. It might be a very easy problem to solve for a technical problem. However I have worked for one of the topmost software company, in which users of its operating system would used to come to solve their problems which are much easier than this. Trust me, I had even helped person who was unable to create a desktop shortcut for IE on his computer.

How Do I Set Up Wired LAN Between Two Computers And Share Internet Connection?

Setting up a wired LAN connection is the simplest of all. However to do this you would need to purchase a Switch. (A switch is a device which actually splits the internet bandwidth among all the connected Switch How To: Connect Multiple Computers From A Single Internet Connectioncomputers in LAN intelligently.) What you just need to do is that you need to purchase some LAN cables with the RJ-45m rj 45 How To: Connect Multiple Computers From A Single Internet Connection jacks fitted in it . Now there would be an input port in the switch in which you need to connect the out coming RJ-45 jack of the modem or router. And in the other pins connect the jacks to the LAN port of your different computers. Your own LAN is ready now, and you can browse internet from any of your computer.

How Do I Set Up A Wireless LAN Network And Share Internet Connection?

108m Wireless Router How To: Connect Multiple Computers From A Single Internet Connection
To set up a wireless LAN network you will require a wireless router. Now after you purchase the wireless router you will need to connect the RJ-45 jack to the input port of the wireless router. Now you need to go to the control panel of the wireless router by entering the gateway address of the router in the address bar of thebrowser you are using. It will be now asking for your router user name and password. Enter the user name and password as admin and admin respectively unless you have changed it. In case it doesn’t take that refer to the router manual. You can always find your manual online.
Once you enter the control panel you may get options to turn on the wireless network. Turn it on, now it would be broadcasting the signal and is available for the laptop to pick it up.
Now go to control panel and click on “Network And Internet”. Then click on connect to a network form your laptop and it will show you the signal of your just set up router. Click on the signal which is yours and continue the steps as mentioned from each of your laptop and the wireless LAN would be setup.

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